Relationships. Collaboration. Partnerships.
Each of these are vitally important to the health and success of most organizations, and certainly are to Samaritans. With each of those concepts, intentionality, respect, and appreciation are also important.
Samaritans has always relied on the central relationships we have with our volunteers, as well as our staff, Board, Council, and donors. Over the past year, the powerful commitment of our people has sustained the important work of reducing the incidence of suicide. Without this collective dedication, Samaritans does not exist, and we would be unable to help those in our community who are struggling.
Our collaborations with community organizations like Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts and the Black Boston COVID Coalition have been some of the highlights of our work in recent months. As we build alliances to strengthen our missions, we know all of our work is amplified. Developing and strengthening collaborations with our area’s leading research, healthcare, and mental health institutions will expand our impact in deeply meaningful ways in the coming months.
This year, we partnered with several organizations to learn and benefit from their expertise to build awareness of our programs. With very intentional effort, we have added translation services in more than 240 languages to our Helpline service. We are working to professionally translate our Helpline posters in the most frequently spoken languages in Boston. We have created a new website that is fully ADA-accessible, along with our key collateral. Finally, we have been trained to offer support to those who have attempted suicide, and more is developing. All of these partnerships expand our reach – at the end of the day, that means more people who need us can find help with us.
As we look ahead and generate plans to reopen our office, meet in person again, and consider what our programs will look like in the year ahead, I turn to our theme for this year’s Breakfast for Hope: Forward Together. I hope you will join us on May 25th to hear inspiring stories from several special volunteers and learn more about the profound impact Samaritans has on so many.
With your support, we can ensure that grief support groups and suicide prevention workshops continue, that new ways to support those impacted by suicide are developed, and that Samaritans 24/7 Helpline is here for free for all calls and texts at 877-870-4673.
My best,

Kathleen C. Marchi
Chief Executive Officer & President