Host a Suicide Prevention Fundraiser

Become a HopeRaiser: Support Suicide Prevention & Awareness

Our HopeRaisers help spread the word about Samaritans’ services and break the stigma surrounding suicide and mental health. Get creative and host a suicide prevention and awareness fundraiser in a way that reflects your personality and involves your community. You can host a traditional fundraiser event, invite family and friends to make a gift for your birthday or other milestone, run a marathon, or start a Facebook Fundraiser. Previous suicide prevention fundraisers include a haunted house, bowling tournament, dance-a-thon, spinning class, and Ultimate Frisbee tournament. We are grateful to you for dedicating your time and energy to benefit our work!

Get Started

If you are interested in organizing your own suicide awareness event or participating in an athletic challenge to benefit Samaritans, please complete a brief event proposal form to tell us about your plans. After we receive your proposal, a Samaritans representative will follow up with you to discuss your event.

A group of individuals doing a Zumba class suicide prevention fundraiser.

Organize Your Event

  • Start planning early
    • Giving people lots of notice helps make sure they are able to participate in your event. Starting early also helps when requesting donated venues or supplies.
  • Keep expenses low
    • Cut your costs by asking for donations or discounted items such as venue fees, entertainment, decorations, prizes, food, and beverages.
  • Incorporate other ways to raise money
    • Think about creative things you can add to your event such as auctions, raffles, or selling food or merchandise.
  • Tell everyone
    • Much of your success will depend on how well you spread the word about your event and the number of people you invite, so shout it from the rooftops.
  • Don’t forget to say thanks
    • Send letters or emails to all the supporters and volunteers that helped make your event a success.

Get Support from Samaritans

Our team is happy to assist in planning your suicide prevention fundraiser! We can help provide promotional materials as well as advertise your event on our platforms, including:

  • Brochures, wallet cards, and wristbands featuring our Helpline number
  • Samaritans logo for your event materials
  • Promotion of your event on Samaritans social media channels and in our monthly newsletter
A close up of a table at a suicide prevention fundraiser with Samaritans rubber bracelets.

Have Questions or Want to Talk Over an Idea?

Reach out to Brenna Lorenzen, Special Events Coordinator.

Two people standing below a soccer field score board

How to Donate

After your event, please complete the Fundraiser Event Summary form and send donations you have collected to:

Samaritans, Inc.
Attn: HopeRaisers
41 West St., 4th Floor
Boston, MA 02111

“Helping to organize and be a part of an event in honor of my brother has given me a sense of purpose during the most difficult time. Samaritans helped me to gather all my friends and family together to celebrate his life while also raising money for an amazing nonprofit. I feel lucky to be a part of the organization and hope to continue raising money to help educate the larger community about suicide awareness in the future.”


suicide loss survivor