Find Additional Help
Suicide can be a complicated and scary topic to talk about. Samaritans offers a 24/7 Helpline, suicide prevention workshops, and peer support for suicide loss survivors. Beyond our programs, we have compiled additional resources that you may find helpful in your journey.
Please note, requests to add resource links on our website are limited to government agencies and other nonprofits.
Feeling suicidal?
Our Helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are feeling lonely or depressed, we are here for you. Whatever the reason, you will get help from a trained volunteer offering nonjudgmental support. The 24/7 Helpline is confidential and free. You can call or text us any time at 988.

Psych Hub
Psych Hub is an online platform providing free, engaging videos about mental health, substance use, and suicide prevention. It aims to be the trusted resource for consumers, family members, healthcare professionals and anyone else seeking best in class content on evidence-based behavioral health and substance use disorders. Founded by Patrick J. Kennedy and Marjorie Morrison in 2018, both co-founders have dedicated their careers to being passionate advocates for mental health and substance use.
Anonymous Online Mental Health Screening
Mental health is a key part of your overall health. Brief screenings are the quickest way to determine if you or someone you care about should connect with a mental health professional – they are a check-up from your neck up. This program is completely anonymous and confidential, and immediately following the brief questionnaire you will see your results, recommendations, and key resources.