Free Suicide Prevention Workshops for Communities
Building expertise to prevent suicide is critical to our mission. We’re here to teach communities how to recognize warning signs of suicide and provide support. Our free workshops on suicide prevention are delivered to middle and high schools, colleges and universities, workplaces, elder care facilities, and community organizations. Workshops can be in person or virtual.
Elder Care
As people over the age of 85 have the second-highest suicide rate of all groups, it is important to provide resources for the aging population to protect themselves and others at risk of depression and isolation. Elders may develop depression due to an illness, death of a loved one, moving from their home, or feeling lonely. Workshops break the stigma by letting elders know they can talk about suicide, and giving them a resource to turn to for help.
Religious Organizations
As pillars of the community, churches and other faith communities are a natural setting for suicide prevention. People with mental health problems, including suicide risk, often turn to faith community leaders for help. Workshops provide faith leaders with the skills and resources to help those experiencing mental health struggles, and let community members know they can talk about it.
Human Service Professionals
Workshops equip human service professionals, such as nurses and social workers, with skills to support those who may be at greater risk. We encourage you to schedule a workshop, particularly if you work with the most vulnerable members of your community. We are happy to provide training for any group supporting those who are at higher risk for suicide.
Bring a Suicide Prevention Workshop to Your Community
Spread The Word
We encourage you to hang up posters with our Helpline number in your community! If you would like posters, wallet cards, or wristbands with our Helpline information, please email [email protected].
Need to help someone who is struggling?
Many people are afraid to talk about suicide, but it is often a great relief to someone thinking about suicide to know that you have noticed their pain. If you worry that someone you know may be suicidal, we have a few suggestions about how to help support them.
Other Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Workshops
Hear from Workshop Attendees
We often hear great feedback about how powerful our suicide prevention workshops are on participants’ lives! Read the stories from those who have hosted or attended one of our workshops!