Virtual Workshop: Social Media & Suicide Prevention

Virtual - Zoom

More than ever, individuals are taking to social media to share posts, words, and resources that matter to them. When it comes to topics like suicide, individuals have some responsibility to post in a stigma-reducing, respectful way in order to support loss survivors and those struggling.

Virtual Workshop: How to Support Those at Risk for Suicide

Virtual - Zoom

Samaritans’ version of “Suicide Prevention 101" is tailored to the general adult population. It serves as a great starting point for any person to get a feel for Samaritans as an organization, the services the organization provides, and for the prevention work we generally offer the public.

Virtual Workshop: How to Ask the Question (Practice Session)

Virtual - Zoom

This practice session is designed for those who have attended our general gatekeeper session. It will allow those who are anxious or inexperienced to practice asking someone if they are feeling suicidal. A Samaritans facilitator will explore the many ways a person can ask this question, break down the reasons why someone should ask the question, and cover the follow-up questions that can be asked for a risk assessment.

Virtual Workshop: Toxic Masculinity and Suicide

Virtual - Zoom

We know that men are more likely to die by suicide, but why? During this session, Samaritans will discuss the theories behind this phenomenon. We will focus on what contributes to higher rates of male suicides as well as if there are any gender-specific interventions.