Samaritans Community Education and Outreach: Technology

SurveyMonkey: SurveyMonkey is an online survey tool that Community Education and Outreach utilizes to collect information from workshop participants. The survey can be accessed from any device, including computers, tablets, and phones.

Adult Workshops: Adult workshop participants are encouraged to fill out a survey after completing a workshop. They will also be given the opportunity to join the Samaritans mailing list at this time.

Youth Workshops: Youth workshop participants are encouraged to fill out a survey after completing a workshop. The survey asks questions about what they learned, if they can identify trusted adults, if they have additional questions or concerns, and if they need someone from the school (i.e., counselor, social worker, etc.) to reach out to them that day, or within the week. Students are required to provide their name and school, though students do not need to create a SurveyMonkey account to fill out the form. Using this survey tool can help provide additional support to students who need it, and in general, survey tools can be helpful in identifying students who are struggling but may not have previously been on the school’s radar. Survey results go directly to the Community Education and Outreach team, and any concerning survey results are sent as quickly as possible to the school contact, typically immediately following a class period, or after day of workshops if there are multiple groups.

More information about SurveyMonkey’s privacy settings

Samaritans Youth Workshop Survey

Mentimeter: Mentimeter is an online tool that Community Education and Outreach utilizes to increase participation and engagement, particularly when delivering virtual workshops. Mentimeter can be accessed from any device, including computers, tablets, and phones.

Adult Workshops: Currently, adult workshops do not utilize Mentimeter on a regular basis, though if a group would like a demo, or knows that they prefer Mentimeter be integrated into the workshop, this is certainly an option.

Youth Workshops: To better enhance virtual workshops, the Community Education and Outreach team utilizes the program Mentimeter. Mentimeter is an effective program that allows students to participate without having the added pressure of needing to speak during virtual workshops. Students do not need to create an account to use Mentimeter; the Samaritans facilitator will provide students with the Mentimeter website and a numerical code, and students can access the portal to participate from any device. All responses are anonymous, which allows for increased honesty and participation.

More information about Mentimeter’s privacy settings

Learn more about how Mentimeter works and its features

Virtual Workshops

The Community Education and Outreach team prefers to use Zoom for delivering virtual workshops, as well as the programs listed above. However, the team is familiar with many similar programs, including but not limited to Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Pear Deck, etc. If you have preferred programs or organization-wide/ school district rules preventing the use of certain programs, please note these on your form and we can discuss further.

Our Services

Samaritans provides lifesaving suicide prevention services throughout Massachusetts. Our services are free, confidential, and nonjudgmental.


24/7 Helpline

You can call or text us anytime you feel isolated, desperate, suicidal, or concerned about someone else in your life.


Hey Sam

Hey Sam is a peer-to-peer texting service for people up to 24 years old.


Grief Support Services

If you have lost a loved one to suicide, you can find support through events, meetings, and peer networks.


Community Education

Learn how to help someone in crisis by hosting a suicide prevention workshop at your school, workplace, or organization.