About Samaritans
Samaritans, Inc is a non-profit agency dedicated to alleviating despair, isolation, distress and suicidal feelings, 24 hours a day, in the Boston and MetroWest communities. We work to educate the public about suicide prevention, to reduce the stigma associated with suicide, and to support suicide loss survivors. Our center is located at 41 West Street, 4th Floor in Boston.
About Survivor to Survivor Visits
During Survivor to Survivor visits, trained suicide loss survivor volunteers meet with bereaved individuals or families.
Visits last up to two hours and allow the survivor to talk about their experience, ask questions, and share concerns. Volunteers are available to listen, answer questions, and provide support and resources. When appropriate, volunteers may share stories and examples of ways they coped with the death of their loved one. Volunteers may also provide information about SafePlace meetings, Samaritans’ 24/7 Helpline, and other community resources. If the participant chooses, they can develop a plan that could include additional visits. Our hope is having this contact will help alleviate some of the isolation and confusion often felt by survivors.
Minor Participation in Survivor to Survivor Visits
Participants are welcome to invite family members or friends who could benefit from the meeting or make the experience more helpful. If a participant would like someone under the age of 18 to join the meeting, the following steps must be followed:
1. The parent or legal guardian must complete a survivor to survivor visit without the minor. During the visit, the parent or legal guardian will discuss the plan for including the minor in future visits with the volunteers.
2. The parent or legal guardian will complete the Survivor to Survivor Visit – Minor Participation Consent Form.
3. The parent or legal guardian must be present for any Survivor to Survivor visits where the minor is present.
4. GSS Volunteers will consult with clinical supervisor between the visit with the parent or legal guardian and the visit with the parent or legal guardian and minor to plan for the visit.
Minor Consent Form
Parental/Legal Guardian consent is necessary for any participant under the age of 18 in Survivor to Survivor Visits.
Our Services
Samaritans provides lifesaving suicide prevention services throughout Massachusetts. Our services are free, confidential, and nonjudgmental.